What’s the Difference between Chia Seeds and Flax Seeds?
If you're looking to add a nutritional boost to your diet, you've probably heard of chia seeds and flax seeds. These tiny seeds are packed with nutrients including fiber, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids, and have gotten attention in the health and wellness world for good reason! But what sets them apart? Here are five key differences.
What are the Six Primary Electrolytes?
Electrolytes are essential minerals that play so many vital roles in our bodies. They keep the body hydrated, regulate muscle contraction and help balance your PH levels. Here’s some important information about the six primary electrolytes to help you stay hydrated all year round.
Electrolytes are the Key to Hydration
Before you dive headfirst into your summer training routine, let's talk about a key ingredient for success: electrolytes. They play a vital role in keeping your body cool, hydrated, and performing at its best during those sweat-inducing summer sessions.
3 Tips to Improve Your Digestion
Digestion is vital for overall health and well-being because it is responsible for breaking down food into the nutrients our body needs to function. Here are three easy things you can do to improve your digestion.
Recipe: Chicken Quinoa Bowls with Sweet Potatoes and Spinach
Looking for the perfect recipe to fuel your 1776 Gauntlet training or just fitness overall? Check out this recipe from our Nutrition Group Leaders Joel and Laura Stark. It’s packed with lean protein, complex carbohydrates, nutrient-dense sweet potatoes, and iron-rich spinach.
5 Hydration Tips for Summer
“Hydrate!” It’s not something drill sergeants yell for shits and giggles. Hydration is crucial for optimal health, especially in warmer weather. Here are 5 tips to help you stay hydrated this summer.
What it Means to Have Good Nutrition
Good nutrition isn’t a diet. It’s being mindful about what you eat so your body gets the nutrients it needs for optimal health. Here’s a breakdown of some of those nutrients and where you can get them.