Our findings shape evidence-based approaches that support veterans' physical and mental health, sense of purpose, and relationships.
Transforming Veteran Rehabilitation Care: Learnings from a Remote Digital Approach for Musculoskeletal Pain
July 2024 | Healthcare Journal
In partnership with Sword Health, we examine the impact of muscolskeletal pain and analyze rehabilitation technologies.

Creating Community for Women Veterans Through Social Networking Organizations: A Secondary Analysis of Team RWB New Member Surveys
2021 | Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship
Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Enriched Life Scale Among US Military Veterans
October 2019 | Frontiers in Psychology
The Enriched Life Scale (ELS): Development, exploratory factor analysis, and preliminary construct validity for U.S. military veteran and civilian samples
December 2018 | Translational Behavioral Medicine
Regional differences in BMI, obesity, and exercise frequently in a large veteran service organization: A secondary analysis of new veteran member surveys from Team Red, White & Blue
December 2018 | Preventative Medicine Reports
Team Red, White & Blue: a community-based model for harnessing positive social networks to enhance enrichment outcomes in military veterans reintegrating to civilian life
July 2018 | Translational Behavioral Medicine
Enriching Veterans’ Lives Through An Evidence Based Approach
February 2016 | Syracuse University Institute for Veterans and Military Families
Enriched Life Scale Plus Scoring with Citations (18-question)
The Enriched Life Scale can be used to measure overall engagement and health in both veteran and civilian samples, informing clinical research and treatment and enabling a new level of accountability for programs serving military veterans. Copyright and citation information available within the document.