10 Tips to Start Running

two men in Team RWB shirts running on a paved path through a park

So, you’re interested in running? Not the “must pass a PFT kind” but the “run a 5K for fun” kind. We got you.

Running for fun is a great way to transform your physical fitness and mental well-being.

Whether it’s been a minute since you separated from service or you’re looking to “fall in love” with the sport, getting started is as easy as lacing up your running shoes and heading out the door. There’s not much more to it than that. But you want to be smart about it.

Here are some tips to help start your running journey off on the right foot.

  1. Be Realistic.

    It can be so tempting when we see people like Team RWB Ambassador Paul Johnson logging 40+ miles a day at a 9-minute pace to try to push ourselves to be at that level right off the bat. But that’s not how running works. It takes time to build endurance and speed. So, be realistic about your pace and goals.

  2. Pick the Right Shoes.

    Shoes are the most important piece of running gear. The three things to consider when picking your running shoes are support, cushion, and size. Here’s our quick guide to help you pick the right running shoes for your needs.

  3. Use the Run-Walk-Run Method.

    This is also known in the running community as the Galloway Method. It’s named after Jeff Galloway, a veteran, American Olympian, world-famous running coach, and Team RWB Eagle. He developed the run-walk-run method to help runners build endurance without getting injured. It’s simple. You simply alternate between running and walking to cover your distance. If you’re new to running, start by alternating between jogging and running for 1-minute each. Over time, gradually increase your running intervals until you don’t need as many, or any, walking breaks.

  4. Perfect Your Form.

    Pay attention to your running form to prevent injuries and optimize efficiency. Maintain an upright posture, relax your shoulders, and land on your midfoot with a quick turnover (cadence). This takes practice. Fortunately, there are several great videos on YouTube to help you learn how to run properly.

  5. Warm Up and Cool Down.

    This is something a lot of seasoned runners will admit they forget to do, but it’s so important. Always start your running session with a quick warm-up. It helps prepare your muscles and joints for the activity ahead. Dynamic stretches and light jogging are effective warm-up activities. After your run, cool down with static stretches to improve flexibility and reduce muscle tightness.

  6. Increase Mileage Gradually.

    Don’t try to be David Goggins or Usain Bolt in a single weekend. Don’t push yourself too hard too soon. It’s how most running injuries happen. Instead, focus on progression. Progression is key to building endurance and avoiding overexertion. Increase your running duration or distance gradually. This gives your body time to adapt to the demands of running.

  7. Be Consistent.

    Consistency is crucial in establishing a running routine. Aim for at least 3 to 4 runs per week to build endurance and see progress. Consistency also helps create a habit, making it easier to integrate running into your lifestyle.

    Pro Tip:  Strength train at least 2-3 days a week. It helps build endurance, power, and speed. Plus, it helps reduce your risk of injury.

  8. Try Different Types of Runs.

    Like anything, running can get boring if you run at the same pace on the same route at the same time on the same days each week. Also, after a while, your running progress will become stagnant. So, mix it up with different types of runs! Some go-to’s are interval training, tempo runs, and hill repeats. Check out these 5 types of runs to incorporate into your training.

  9. Listen to Your Body.

    This probably goes without saying, but we’re gonna say it anyway. Pay attention to your body. It’s normal to experience some muscle soreness when you start but persistent pain may indicate an issue. Make sure you take rest days between runs to give your body time to recover. If you have persistent pain that doesn’t go away, talk to your doctor to rule out an injury.

  10. Join Our Running Activity Group!

    Running is more fun with friends. It’s true. Download the Team RWB Member App and join our Running Activity Group.  They share training tips and inspiration. Plus, they offer encouragement while you work towards your running goals.


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