5 Motivation Hacks to Crush Your Workouts

Struggling to feel motivated to workout? We’ve got your six.

We're about to drop some knowledge on how to get your rear in gear when your motivation is running low.

You've conquered tougher challenges than a workout, but sometimes even the hardest asses among us need a kick in the pants. 

That’s why we’re breaking down some science-backed strategies to keep you moving, even when your motivation has other ideas.

Here they are:

  1. Mix It Up

    Monotony is the leading motivation killer. Keep your workouts fresh and your mind engaged by mixing it up. Try different exercises, intensities, and routes. Studies show that variety helps prevent boredom and can help you maintain a workout routine.

  2. Focus on Your Why

    Remembering your reasons for working out can be a simple yet effective motivational tool. A study on motivation shows that focusing on your reason why (intrinsic goal) is more effective than external rewards in helping you stay motivated. So, the next time you don’t feel like working out, remind yourself “why” you got started in the first place. 

  3. Crank Up the Tunes

    Music has been shown to be a powerful motivator. A solid playlist can be as motivating as a drill instructor (and probably more pleasant). Let the beat drive you forward when your willpower's running on fumes. 

  4. Log Your Victories

    Track your progress like you're writing AARs. Seeing tangible improvements, whether it's weight lifted or miles run, is concrete proof that you're advancing. Plus, according to research, tracking progress over time increases adherence to fitness programs.

  5. Buddy Up

    The research is clear - having a workout wingman creates accountability and makes grinding through more enjoyable. Social support is a powerful motivator. Plus, a little friendly competition never hurts.

Remember, you've already proven you're capable of extraordinary things. Lack of motivation is just another objective to conquer. Use these strategies to keep pushing forward, even when your motivation’s trying to go AWOL.

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