Volunteer as an
Old Glory Relay Leg Captain
Volunteer as a Leg Captain
The Old Glory Relay is a major operation with many key roles, including Leg Captains. They’re essentially field commanders for their stretch of Old Glory’s route.
Here are some of the responsibilities of Leg Captains:
Study the entire course for their assigned leg.
Coordinate travel for participants throughout their assigned leg and day.
Select the starting point for their leg.
Keep participants safe.
And more!
Since this is such a crucial role, Leg Captains receive exclusive Team RWB gear as a special thank you.
Will you commit to being a Leg Captain?
Please note: Submission of the form does not guarantee your spot as a Leg Captain. You will be contacted with updates as needs are presented.
Volunteer FAQs
In 2024, Leg Captains are selected in advance by State Coordinators. In the event additional Leg Captains are needed, you can fill out this form in advance, and the OGR team will be in touch if an opportunity arises. Please use the button above to apply.
Safety is the first, second, and third most important factor in the planning and execution of the Old Glory Relay! Nothing about this event should cause any participant to take a needless risk. All leg captains are required to recon their route and make adjustments as needed. The recon should include evaluation of the route for shoulder space, the busyness of the road, and ease of street crossings. The support van is staffed by Team RWB employees who will be coordinating with you to assure a safe and meaningful experience. We may be out in front of you checking the course, or otherwise engaged, but we will be working with you as appropriate to make your journey the best it can possibly be.
When on a road without a sidewalk available, all runners, walkers, and ruckers should be going against traffic and using other general safety precautions. All cyclists should be riding with traffic. This is not a closed course and while we may have police/fire escorts in some areas, most areas will not.