The Vital Connection Between Sleep and Hydration

We’ve partnered with Routine, an innovative hydration product company, to bring you important information about the link between sleep and hydration. 

You probably know that adequate sleep and hydration are essential for staying healthy. However, you might not realize how closely the two are connected. According to a recent study by Penn State, adults who sleep 6 hours or less each night are up to 59% more likely to be dehydrated compared to those who get a full 8 hours of sleep. Researchers believe one underlying cause is vasopressin, a hormone that maintains water balance and rises during the later stages of sleep. Missing those hours can prevent your kidneys from retaining enough fluid.

This connection between fluid intake and sleep quality is significant and understanding it can help you develop daily habits to protect your mental and physical well-being. Let's explore some sleep and hydration tips that can make a difference.

Tips to Improve Sleep

  1. Schedule Sleep. Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day is one of the most effective ways to improve your sleep quality and quantity. This consistency strengthens your body’s natural rhythms, reducing your risk of insomnia and dehydration.

  2. Practice Nasal Breathing. The average adult loses about 1 liter of fluid each night. You can dramatically lower that amount by breathing through your nose instead of your mouth. Sleeping on your back with your head slightly elevated can help facilitate this.

  3. Cool Off. A hot bedroom contributes to moisture loss. Lowering your thermostat can help you retain moisture, save on energy, and probably fall asleep faster.

Tips to Improve Hydration

  1. Spread Out Your Intake. Aim to drink about an ounce of water for each pound of body weight, sipping throughout the day. Foods like celery, strawberries, and tomatoes can also help keep you hydrated.

  2. Drink Water First. Start your day with a big glass of water to make up for some of the fluid you lost overnight.

  3. Postpone Coffee. That morning glass of water can wake you up just as well as coffee. Try saving your coffee for later in the morning, as excessive caffeine can interfere with sleep if consumed after 2 pm.

  4. Rehydrate After Workouts. Water is usually sufficient for replacing fluids lost during exercise. Sports drinks may be necessary for very long and intense workouts, but check their labels for sugar and calorie content.

  5. Limit Alcohol. Alcohol dehydrates you. Drink responsibly and avoid any cocktails close to bedtime.

  6. Avoid Sugar. Dehydration can make you crave sweets, but sugary beverages are harder for your body to absorb. Stick to plain or naturally flavored water, especially if you’re watching your weight.

  7. Use Less Salt. A diet high in sodium increases your risk of dehydration. Processed foods and bread are major sources, so consume them in moderation.

Understanding the relationship between hydration and sleep can help you make choices that enhance your life.

Want to learn more? Join July’s Eagle Fit Hydration Challenge in the Team RWB Member App.


All information provided by our partners at Routine. Visit their website to learn more about hydration and how it benefits overall health.

Jordyn Nguyen

Jordyn comes from years of social media and marketing experience in various sectors such as online retail, military/LEO health & fitness, and real estate. She has a bachelor's degree in Fine Art with a double concentration in Photography & Digital Media from Wayne State University.

Jordyn lives in Metro-Detroit, MI with her husband. She is an avid reader who enjoys cooking, traveling, photography/design, and Korean TV.

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