Join Team RWB for the 47th Marine Corps Marathon.
Charge the District, Beat the Bridge
October 29 - 30, 2022
The Marine Corps Marathon (MCM) is annually ranked as one of the largest marathons in the U. S. and the world. Team Red, White & Blue (Team RWB) members from across the nation run the MCM in tribute to a loved one serving this country or in memory of their sacrifice, as a commitment to their love of country, and to show American veterans that their best days are ahead with a strong focus on health and wellbeing. Organized by the men and women of the United States Marine Corps, the MCM celebrates the honor, courage and commitment of all finishers.
Team RWB is proud to welcome Eagles from all over the country to participate together in “The People’s Marathon.” We’ve got some great events planned and hope you’ll join us.
Explore more than 100,000 square feet of exhibits and booths. Admission to the Health & Fitness Expo is free and welcomes participants, family members, friends, supporters, volunteers and general public.
Remember to bring the E-Card to Packet Pick-up at the Health & Fitness Expo, at the DC Armory (2001 E. Capitol Street SE). The two-day event opens with an exciting ribbon breaking ceremony featuring the Marine Corps Base Quantico Ceremonial Platoon at 9:45 a.m. on Friday, October 28.
Expo hours are:
Friday, October 28 - 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 29 - 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
For more information on the Expo click here.
Friday, October 28 5:00-8:00 p.m. – MCM Welcome Social at Highline RxR (2010 Crystal Dr, Arlington, VA). The closest Metro stop is Crystal City.
Saturday, October 29 5:00 p.m. – Support Team RWB and join members from across the country for a pre-race dinner at the Crystal Gateway Marriott. Tickets are $35 for adults, $15 for children.
The closest Metro stop is Crystal City and our team will be joined by guest dinner speaker, Army Command Sergeant Major (Ret.) Todd Burnett.
CSM Burnett served in the United States Army for 30 years after entering active service in February 1986. His assignments included several stateside and overseas tours - two tours in Germany, two tours in Bosnia, Korea, South West Asia and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
CSM Burnett has been awarded numerous medals, including the Purple Heart, Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, Bronze Star Medal with (V), and Bronze Star Medal (3 Oak leaf cluster).
CSM Burnett is married to the former Antonette Gasparro and they have two sons, Kyle and Brandon. He is a member of the Fort Bragg chapter of Team RWB and in his spare time, he enjoys tackling Spartan races.
Welcome Runners! The start line is located on Route 110 (all lanes) halfway between the Pentagon and Arlington Memorial Drive. The closest Metro access to the start is the Pentagon station (blue/yellow). It is recommended that runners arrive as early as possible before the start time to proceed through the security checkpoint, drop off bags and line up in the appropriate corral. DC Metro begins running at 6:00 am. Shuttles and buses have been added to assist runners and spectators, see FAQ’s page of packet for details.
7:00 a.m. – RWB group photo at the pre-race water station – look for the sea of red shirts
7:15 a.m. – 50k start
7:50 a.m. - 10k start
7:50 a.m. – Marathon wheelchair users and hand cyclists begins
7:52 a.m. - MCM Duos start
7:55 a.m. – Marathon begins
11:10 a.m. – Awards Ceremony
Come cheer on RWB Eagles from around the country as they tackle the Marine Corps Marathon. Kids, dogs (well behaved and on a leash) are encouraged to come too! We will have a Team RWB cheer station set up at Mile 11.
Relatives, friends and running buddies will all be able to follow a runner’s progress along the MCM course in real time! The MCM offers tolls to receive updates on runner's movement along the course by receiving a timely text or email in real time. Sign up soon to follow individual or multiple runners on their journey to the Marine Corps War Memorial.
Be sure to wear your Eagle gear and bring signs to cheer on our racers, snacks, water, sunscreen and noise makers (horns, cowbells).
Join in on the conversation using the social media information listed below.
Team RWB App: Check-in and post your photos
Facebook: TeamRWB, Team RWB MCM Group
Instagram: @teamrwb, @marinecorpsmarathon
Twitter: @teamrwb, @marine_marathon
Hashtags: #RunWithTheMarines, #EagleFire
Donate to a Team RWB Charity Bib Fundraiser
*The deadline to claim a charity bib as passed. We’re grateful to all of our charity runners! Please consider donating to a charity bib fundraiser at the button below.
Join Team RWB to Run with the Marines as a charity runner for the Marine Corps Marathon, 10k, or 50k. Participants commit to a fundraising minimum and receive a guaranteed race entry.
Learn More
Interested in learning more about the Marine Corps Marathon? Click the button below.