Why Grip Strength Matters for Overall Health

When you think about overall fitness, what comes to mind? Chiseled abs? Big biceps? Mile times that would make The Flash jealous? Sure, those are all impressive and take years of discipline and consistency to achieve. But there’s one factor that often flies under the radar when it comes to overall health and longevity. And that’s grip strength. 

A systematic review and meta-analysis published in Ageing Research Reviews drove this point home. The study, which included data from over 3 million participants, found the stronger your grip, the lower your risk of death from all causes, including cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Just how significant is this association? The study found that higher levels of grip strength (between 26-50 kg) were associated with a close-to-linear reduction in all-cause mortality risk. For cancer mortality, the sweet spot for grip strength was between 16-33 kg. For cardiovascular mortality, it was 24-40 kg. 

That's a pretty compelling case for prioritizing grip strength in your training. But the benefits of a strong grip go beyond longevity. 

As any athlete or fitness enthusiast knows, grip strength is crucial for a wide range of movements and activities. From deadlifts to pull-ups to farmer's carries, a strong grip is the foundation upon which so many functional exercises rely.

That's why our Functional Fitness Group is putting grip strength in the spotlight with a Grip Strength Challenge. This challenge, available exclusively in the Team RWB Member App, is designed to help you build a grip that won't quit - and potentially add years to your life in the process.

Every day, you'll tackle a series of grip-focused exercises and challenges, all designed to hit your hands and forearms from every angle. And with the support and accountability of your fellow Eagles in the app, you'll have everything you need to crush your grip goals.

But the Grip Strength Challenge isn't just about building a vice-like grip (although that's a nice bonus). It's about embracing a holistic approach to health and fitness, one that recognizes the interconnectedness of all our body's systems. It's about taking control of your health, one rep at a time.

What are you waiting for? Head on over to the Team RWB Member App today and join the Grip Strength Challenge. Your hands (and your health) will thank you. 

So, get a grip, crush this challenge and everything else life throws your way.


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