Committed to Service: Obed’s Story

Committed to service. That’s how we’d describe Team RWB volunteer Obed Maldonado.  

Obed joined the Army in 1999 and was stationed at Fort Drum, New York from 2000 to 2007, deploying twice to Afghanistan during that time. After serving on Active Duty, he continued as a member of the Texas National Guard (Active) in El Paso where he also deployed to Iraq in 2008-2009. 

Throughout his 10-year military career, he found purpose and belonging, but during his transition to civilian life, he found himself searching for motivation. He took to Facebook, looking for workout buddies, where a friend told him about the Team RWB chapter in El Paso. 

Joining Team RWB’s leading health and wellness community turned out to be the boost Obed needed to get active again.  He found battle buddies in other members. He found encouragement for his fitness and wellness goals. Still today, he says those Eagles became like family. 

Involvement in Team RWB had such a profound impact on Obed that he decided to step up and become a volunteer leader in the El Paso chapter. He started off arranging weekly athletic events and expanded his role to organizing monthly social events for all new members.

Obed firmly believes in the power of motivation and has adopted a philosophy of encouraging others to push their limits. When he sees others completing a challenging workout or adding more weight to their bar, it reminds him that our bodies are often capable, but it's our minds that can hold us back. He tells Eagles, "Yes, you can!" to help them overcome their mental hurdles, showing them that their best days are ahead.

Rachel Delisle, the Chapter Captain of Team RWB El Paso, describes Obed as a shining example of someone who fully embraces the community and then gives back in a leadership role. He's always ready to lend a hand to any Eagle during CrossFit partner workouts, quietly working on improving himself while supporting others. He listens and voices honest opinions and advice in leading the chapter. His fantastic sense of humor helps keep things in perspective and makes him a much-loved leader and teammate.

Obed's involvement with Team RWB has not only helped him tackle some significant hurdles in his own journey but also allows him to positively touch the lives of others. Through his commitment, encouragement, and genuine support, he embodies the spirit of Team RWB and our mission to enrich the lives of veterans. 

Obed's journey highlights the incredible power of finding purpose and building strong bonds after the military. He has gained valuable perspective on embracing the good and making the most of any situation. And guess what? He still encourages Rachel to add a little more weight to the bar. Now that's the kind of leader we all need!


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