Grand Canyon & Arizona Service Project

24 - 28 May 2024 | North Rim of the Grand Canyon


20 Eagles


The North Rim of the Grand Canyon

(Specific locations like meeting points and transportation options will be shared with participants)


24 - 28 May 2024


We are looking for 20 Eagles who:

  • Want to experience the Grand Canyon while giving back

  • Enjoy service projects, challenging hikes, tent camping, solitude, and remote wilderness

  • Love to volunteer and work with their hands – this will be hard work!

Activities will consist of:

  • Five days and four nights of sleeping under the stars along the North Rim of the Grand Canyon.

  • Three full days of remote trail work to improve the Arizona National Scenic Trail, which spans 800+ miles across the entire state of Arizona, dissecting the Grand Canyon’s north and south rims

  • A ranger-led hike into the Grand Canyon (this may be self-guided)

  • Primitive (dispersed) camping


At 8000’ elevation, the North Rim of the Grand Canyon is a place unlike any other. Compared to the rest of the Grand Canyon, and surrounding desert ecosystem, the North Rim is home to a more alpine environment, with meadows, diverse forests, and cooler temperatures compared to the South Rim. 

Engulfed in beautiful scenery, participants will take part in service projects along the Arizona Trail, a trail that bisects the state north and south and is over 800 miles long. The projects will mainly focus on repairing the trail tread from water erosion, which includes deberming, cleaning and repairing drainages, clearing the vegetation corridor, grubbing out (uprooting) some brush, cacti, and grasses, and potentially moving and relocating various-sized rocks. Occasionally, we will use loppers, small saws to trim vegetation, and Pulaskis and Pick Mattocks for grubbing. We will use shovels, pick mattocks, McLeods, Pulaskis, and Rogue Hoes for tread construction. This will be legit work, but will provide a much needed service to the countless citizens who come to the outdoors for solace, adventure, and challenge.

While improving the trail is a priority, so is enjoying the company of fellow veterans and taking in the sites of the North Rim. When the day’s work is done the group will enjoy camaraderie around the campfire where meals will be shared and conversations will take flight. Once the sun goes down, participants will be treated to the one-of-a-kind dark sky that the desert Southwest is known for. Maybe brush up on your astronomy as part of your training for this Expedition?

To celebrate a job well done, the last day will include a hike into the Canyon. Distance and duration are TBD, but what better way to wrap up the trip than to immerse yourself in one of Earth’s natural wonders?

Apply for this Expedition for a balanced experience that bridges service, iconic scenery, camaraderie, and physical challenge.

Information Session

Please join us for a LIVE information session about the 2024 Eagle Expeditions on 25 January 2024 at 8:00 PM ET.

Join Information Session

Application Window

The application window for the Grand Canyon & Arizona Service Project Eagle Expedition is 5 January - 14 March, 2024.

“I met a great group of Eagles and felt an instant, natural connection with fellow veterans who enjoyed the outdoors, enjoyed the challenging physical activity, and enjoying sharing laughs and struggles together.

For any Eagle out there, new or having been around for a number of years, I encourage you to reach outside your comfort zone and sign up for an expedition that interests you!”
