Old Glory Relay
19 Apr - 18 May 2024
1 flag. 30 days. 1,600 miles.
We carried our stories over 1,600. Through the rain and rough terrain, the flag never quit.
Watch the Old Glory Relay 2024 Recap Video.
About Team RWB
Since 2010, we’ve been forging the leading health and wellness community for America's veterans.
Presented By:
2024 Sponsors:
Old Glory’s EPIC Journey
2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Old Glory Relay!
This year’s Old Glory was provided by Allegiance Flag Supply and 100% made in America.
Old Glory is currently headed overseas where she will be flown by Army special operations over Operation Inherent Resolve missions in both Iraq and Syria before returning to the U.S. to be carried across the country by veterans and their supporters in the Old Glory Relay.
The 2024 Old Glory Relay will begin in Philadelphia, PA and end in Chicago, IL. Old Glory’s making several guest appearances at key events along her route like the Yuengling Light Lager Jogger.
We want to go BIG this year.
Will you help Old Glory on her journey?
How to Join
Registering for the Old Glory Relay is easy. Simply click the link below and select the day on the map that you’d like to run, walk, ruck, or cycle the flag. Then, select your registration level. The Leg Captain will reach out to you closer to the start of the relay to let you know when and where to be.
If you aren’t able to participate in-person, join us virtually! Registering for OGR as a virtual participant is a lot like registering as an in-person participant. Simply click the link below and select the day you plan on completing your virtual participation. Then, follow the prompts to sign up for the virtual registration option. When your day arrives, complete your distance, snap some pics, tag us on social media with #OldGloryRelay so we can share with Eagle Nation!
Register to receive Exclusive 2024 Gear
Register to attend a “BMW Rally Stop” – hosted at each stop along the Old Glory Relay route.
This special event will celebrate the arrival of the flag at the cities listed. Check out the locations of an official Rally Stop event near you to join in the celebration — and don’t forget to register to carry the flag using the map above!
Rally stops will be held in the following cities:
General FAQs
There are two ways you can participate in the Old Glory Relay — in-person by carrying the flag on the route or virtually if you aren’t able to participate in-person. Here are some more details about each option.
In-person. View the Old Glory Relay map to pick the day (or leg) you’d like to carry Old Glory. Then, complete the registration process. Your Leg Captain will reach out to you to tell you when and where to be to help carry Old Glory. We’ll see you on the route!
Virtual. If you aren’t able to participate in-person, join us virtually! Registering for OGR as a virtual participant is a lot like registering as an in-person participant. We know. It’s not the most intuitive process, but it’s what Classy (our registration and fundraising platform) requires. View the map above and select the day you plan on completing your virtual participation. Then, follow the prompts to sign up for the virtual registration option. When your day arrives, complete your distance, snap some pics, tag us on social media with #OldGlorRelay so we can share with Eagle Nation!
The costs associated with OGR will provide participants with on-course support as well as your 2024 OGR swag!
There are two registration options:
the full package includes the official OGR shirt and Water Bottle
the second option is our lower-cost option, featuring Team RWB/OGR Stickers
All participants must register in order to participate.
Registration will open on January 17th to the public
Registrants have 2 options to participate.
1) ON COURSE - registrant chooses the day and location they will be participating on the course. ON COURSE participants are expected to show up to be a part of the day along the route they choose when registering.
2) VIRTUAL - registrants will participate in their location OFF the course. Do not choose an on-course date if you will not physically be at the location listed for that day.
After signing up for your specific day, your leg leader will be in contact with you in regards to what miles/pace/time of day you are available to participate.
Absolutely! We love to have multi-day participants. If you’re interested, please email oldgloryrelay@teamrwb.org. We’ll help you register for multiple days.
Leg Captains are the individual links of the chain that make the OGR route. They are responsible for planning their days route from start to finish and ensuring all participants have a chance to carry Old Glory.
To learn more, watch the following video by clicking the link: OGR 2024 - INFO SESSION
Give to Team RWB
You can support the Old Glory Relay and help us fulfill our mission by making a gift to our foundation.
Old Glory Relay in the News